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a resource for residents, businesses and visitors

Hello from the Most Easterly Community!

Ness point

We are a group of people who live, work, trade, promote (and maybe all of these) in Great Britain’s ‘most easterly’ neighbourhood in Lowestoft, Suffolk. 


We came together as a community group and were formally constituted in July 2019.  Our aims are:

1) To foster a sense of belonging and neighbourliness within our community

2) To promote our area as a ‘positive place to live, work and play’.

3) To represent the common interests of residents, businesses and organisations in the area to official bodies

The area we serve is that of the former North Lowestoft HAZ (Heritage Action Zone) that includes the historic High Street, industrial Whapload Road, Sparrows Nest and the Ness Parks. 


Linked to this page is our constitution; minutes of most recent meetings; and feedback from other key initiatives.
